How can I make money from my solar panels?

Investing in solar PV systems provides both immediate and long-term financial returns. Here are some ways you can benefit…

Richard Walters

August 18, 2024

Investing in solar PV systems will provide both immediate and long-term financial returns. Here are some ways you can benefit…


Lower energy bills

Once your solar panels are installed, they start generating electricity in daylight, reducing the amount you need to purchase from the utility company. Depending on the size of your system and your energy consumption, solar can significantly cut your energy bills, typically between 30% and 50% without adding a battery. Whatever isn’t used is sold to the grid… See the next point.


Export payment and bill credits

In the UK we typically over produce in the 5 months of summer,and under produce in the 7 remaining months of the year. When your solar system produces more energy than you need, the surplus energy is sent to the grid. By using a Smart Export Guarantee Tariff (SEG), your utility company credits thissurplus to your account (currently at around 15p a unit) account. This credit can then offset purchased electricity at other times of day or year.  


Increase in property value

Installing solar panels can increase the resale value of your home. Studies have shown that homes equipped with solar energy systems tend to sell faster and at a higher price than homes without them. Buyers are often willing to pay more for homes with solar panels due to the long-term energy savings and sustainability benefits.


Protection against rising energy costs

Electricity prices tend to rise over time due to inflation and increased demand for power. By generating your own electricity with solar, you're shielding yourself from these price increases. Essentially, you're locking in your electricity costs at today’s rates for the next 25-30 years, which is the typical lifespan of a solar PV system.


Minimal maintenance costs

Once installed, solar PV systems require very little maintenance and will pay for themselves well within their rated warranty periods.


Conclusion: is solar PV worth it?


Investing in solar PV is not only a great way to reduce yourenvironmental impact, but it’s a very a financially smart move. Between the savings on energy bills, bill credits from Seg payments and the long-term increase in property value, solar will provide an excellent return on investment.

By switching to solar, you’re not only investing in a greener future but also in long-term financial benefits for you and your family. With energy independence and protection from rising utility rates, solar energy has become one of the best investments homeowners can make today. Contact us to discuss investing in solar energy for your future.

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